Wednesday, December 8, 2010

June 15, 2008, Feast of Pentecost, 2008-2015 Sabbatical Cycle

December 08, 2010

Good Afternoon,

Below are two videos, that were submitted to me (thank you,
shortsaler),and I am including them with yesterday's
presentation called :

Lehman Bank Loss of 09-10-2008, and 09-29-2008, new
Sabbatical cycle . . .



Both of these video's explain very well the cycle of prophecy we
are in, between 2008-2015.

Also, I have included this item, into my June 15th research, due to
the recent discovery that Ezekiel's Vision about the Wheels, of
the 4 living creatures, happened on a June 15, in history.

I feel that the window of time in each June 15, of each years
calendar, is a specific encoded message about the Feast of Pentecost.

The Feast of Pentecost, is 1 of 7 Feast/Festivals, of which the
Hebrew prophecies, from Old-New Testaments, repeat specific
events of importance, in and around these 7 feasts.

Like the message of the return of the Messiah, related to the
Sabbatical Cycle, the alphabet Vau, being a specific sign, of the final
days, of  which Messiah returns, is discussed in both video 1 and 2,
posted  above.

However, without a doubt, the signs are being played out, more
so now than ever in history, to this countdown.

I will explain the countdown in the following presentation :

Lehman Bank Loss of 09-10-2008, and 09-29-2008,
new Sabbatical cycle . . .

By : Betty C. Clark

December 06, 2010

Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On September 10, 2008, Lehman announced a loss of $3.9 billion and their intent to ... Lehman reported that it had been in talks with Bank of America and ... Lehman Brothers became a victim, in effect the only true icon to fall in a ... - Similar

Reader, the countdown to prophecy from June 15, 2008, The Feast
of Pentecost, until the new Sabbatical cycle, of September 29, 2008,
is a countdown to the blood moon eclipses of 2014-15, of Joel's
Prophecy in the Bible.

As you see the Bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers was 09-10-2008.

This 2008 demise of the world economy, the changes taking place
in politics, is a seven year journey until the blood moon eclipses of
2014-15, pointing to the Festival dates of the Hebrew calendar.

All prophecy revolves around the 7 Feast (Festival) cycles.

In His Holy Name (IHVH)

Betty C. Clark

Disclaimer :

If you do not believe in visionary and dream prophecy, then it will be
a waste of time to read the following, research.

Research : 153 Fishes, Linking To 153 Days Of The Eastern Time Zone Vision

The New Testament John Chapter 21 reveals, the last earth
miracle of Christ, regarding the 153 fishes.
The Passover, April 20th, 2008 counting 153 days, is
September 2008, and September 29, 2008, is a new Sabbatical
cycle, regarding eclipses being time marker's, pointing
toward Christ the Messiah's 2nd Coming, to the 'Holy Hill',
Mount of Olives.

The following is how the Holy Spirit guided me into
understanding the 153 days, from the MOUNT message as a
starting point, of April 20th, 2008

March 30th, 2008, Sunday

I started thinking about a Biblecodes post that I read, that named

Pennsylvania as a `target` of the Eboli contamination to water.

I examined a World Time Zone Map. And I started seeing how many

cities were in the Eastern time zone.

Then I realized that Jerusalem is seven(7) hours different from

Quebec, Maine, NY, Pennsylvania, Virgina, NC, SC, Miami,

New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, New Hampshire, Vermont,

Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Washington DC . . .

So I said, " Well, if 0700(military time) Eastern is 1400 in Jerusalem

then the `world` will know before dark in Israel, that the U.S. is

under attack " . .

That same morning, the normal buying of gas on my way to work

resulted in me pre-paying for the gas, then asking gas attendant to

activate Pump#9.

Then finding out, that pump#9 would not work.

The gas attendant told me to leave pump#9 and go to pump#7.

As I moved my vehicle, to pump#7 . . . I could feel a vision of a

geography message coming into this scene.

Upon arrival at work, this is when I started realizing that the moving

from pump#9 to pump #7 was the Eastern time zone area.

And also, the dates that I wrote are as follows :

April 21st-May 21st

Sept. 21st-Oct. 21st

Eastern Time Zone Map: