Thursday, July 10, 2008


Title : Nineveh code 120 minus 168 equals 48, June 2011
by : Betty C. Clark


Nineveh, holds the code that leads to the June 2011 date. June
2011 is linked to Japan Atomic Solar Flare, Saros Eclipse and
Fathers Day, 2008



Nineveh, capital of Assyria ( see : `Hand Writing on the Wall`,
Daniel : Medes & Persians prophecy )

1260 years between `7-year famine` of Joseph, until the fall
of Nineveh, 612 BC ( 7 fat cows, 7 thin cows: dream )

Revelation 11:3, two(2) witnesses prophesy for 1260 days

Nineveh, had a 120,000 people God (IHVH) showed mercy on, within
Jonah's story of the vine with worm. ( Jonah, 4th chapter )

Jacob worked 14 years for 2 brides: ( 3 1/2 years = 42 months ) +
( 3 1/2 years = 42 months ) = 7 years + 7 years = 14 years

Holy city is trampled for 42 months ( 3 1/2 years ), Revelation 11:2

Review this :

42 months ( 3 1/2 years )

42 + 42 = 84 months ( 7 years )

84 + 84 = 168 months ( 14 years )

I found an excerpt to support the `formula` I was given, about
the 48 months:

Jul 7 2008, 12:44 PM ( date, I posted `formula` @forum )

When you understand that Jacob's 42 months ( 3 1/2 years ) x 4

= 168 months ( 14 years of working for the two brides )

Nineveh has 120,000 people, minus ( - ) 168 months = 48 months


~Nineveh holds the key~.

The 120,000 people of Nineveh are subtracted from the
14 years ( 168 months ), that Jacob worked for two(2) brides = 48

Parallel symbolic formula :

June 2008, would represent the 48th month

Due to the timeframe : 2000 - 2007 ( 7 fat cows = 7 years )

June 2008 ( 48th month ) through June/July 2011, 84th month
( 84 = 7 years )

Which is why I shared the formula about Jacob's 2 brides,
Jonah @Nineveh, John's Revelation 2 witnesses . . .

( this formula revealed : July 1st, 2008 . . . would be the
49th month of the 84 months . . . of the 7 thin cows )

So the conclusion of the formula would make the ending of
the 7 thin cows, the date of : the 49th month of the 84 months
as `July 1st, 2008` . . . the remaining 35 months
of the 7 thin cows, ends June-July 2011

( JUNE/JULY 2011 )

The following explains the 7 + 7 ( Jacob working for 2 brides 14 years )
= 48.3

Also the 7 + 7 ( Joseph decoding dream of 7 fat cows, 7 thin cows )
= 48.3


7 x 7 years in prophecy = 48.3 Solar years. 444 BC - 48.3 =
395.7 BC, Malachi was inspired to write the last book of
the Old Testament.

"The Scripture to the Jews was complete, and no more was written
until the New Testament era! So Old Testament vision and prophecy
were indeed 'sealed up'.

As one dear Rabbi lamented in about 200 BC, 'The Holy Spirit has
departed from Israel,' and until this very day, the Jews, as a
nation, have not been permitted to see any further.

The Lord has blinded their eyes so they could not recognize Jesus
as their Messiah (Romans 11:8, 2 Corinthians 3:15)."


The reference to tribulation, is not specific to the 'end time' term tribulation. The economy crisis is a tribulation, 2008.

Jul 7 2008, 12:44 PM
Jacob's 2 Brides+jonah's Nineveh+2 Witnesses Of Rev, ~Parallel's: 42 months versus 42 stain glass art~


When you understand that Jacob's 42 months ( 3 1/2 years ) x 4

= 168 months ( 14 years of working for the two brides )

Nineveh has 120,000 people, minus ( - ) 168 months = 48 months

These 48 months represent a timeline :

42 months ( 3 1/2 years ) + 6 months ( 1 /2 of a calendar year )
= 48 months

This is representing the `beginning`(start) of the 6 months into
the last 3 1/2 years of the tribulation. So Nineveh is a
timeline of the 48 months of the 84 months of the seven (7)
years of tribulation.

Do you understand that Nineveh, is a parallel to the timeline

in Revelation chapter 11, about the trampling on the holy city

for 42 months ?

( 3 1/2 years ) . . . and the two witnesses ( representing the two brides

of Jacob = 42 months ( 3 1/2 years ) + 42 months ( 3 1/2 years )

x 2 brides )

Post #8
Spirit Of Prophecy To Discern If The Seven Years, of peace is a true prophecy or not ( ? )

QUOTE (Humble Bob @ Jul 9 2008, 10:55 PM)
What does it mean that you had made this post precisely at 12:00 noon?

I've wondered about posts on this forum and their times when posted. I've noted some to have posted at certain times to mean it's from the Lord and other times that indicates an errant view.

Is 12:00 an auspicious number? High noon suggests to me a "show down" like in the old West, judgement.

No such thing as coincidences.

Blessings to you.

Understanding some historical facts : ( review the following )

The 12:00 is symbolic of 120,000 people of Nineveh.

As you read from the following excerpt, Nineveh is the capital of Assyria.

The writing on the wall (or sometimes 'handwriting on the wall') is an expression which suggests a portent of doom or misfortune. It originates in the Biblical book of Daniel—where supernatural writing fortells the demise of the Babylonian Empire, but it has come to have a wide usage in language and literature.

And this is the writing that was inscribed: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, and PARSIN. This is the interpretation of the matter: MENE (literally a "monetary toll"), God has numbered the days of your kingdom and brought it to an end; TEKEL (literally a "tokenary weight"), you have been weighed on the scales and found wanting; PARSIN (literally a "division" or "portion"), your kingdom is divided and given to the Medes and Persians. (NRSV)

This period, which included the Sargonic dynasty, is well-referenced in several sources, including the Assyro-Babylonian Chronicles and the Hebrew Bible. Assyria finally succumbed to the rise of the neo-Babylonian Chaldean dynasty with the sack of Nineveh in 612 BC.

The Medes, people of the Mada, (the Greek form Μῆδοι is Ionic for Μᾶδοι), appear in history first in 836 BC. Earliest records show that Assyrian conqueror Shalmaneser III received tribute from the "Amadai" in connection with wars against the tribes of the Zagros. His successors undertook many expeditions against the Medes (Madai).

( Thank you, Shekel, for this research )

1260 years:

Again from this seven-year famine of Joseph, till the fall Nineveh (612 BC), capital of Assyria, there are 1260 years. (It was Assyria who had earlier destroyed Israel, but now it was Assyria’s turn to drink "the cup of wrath," Isaiah 51:17-23; cf. Isaiah 8:4.)

Jacob's 2 Brides+jonah's Nineveh+2 Witnesses Of Rev, ~Parallel's: 42 months versus 42 stain glass art~

See `Specific` parallel's to Nineveh's 120,000 people in Jonah 4:11

versus 1,260 days of the two witnesses who prophesy Rev. 11:3




The difference is 6 days. And we all know that God (IHVH)

rested on the 7th day of Creation.

This formula pointed toward the `7 thin cows of Joseph`, concluding @ June/July 2011

This is the 4th time I have researched a June and or June 15th time table.

Lunar Eclipse of Saros 130 @ June 15th, 2011

Japan Atomic Solar Flares
* June 15th potential date [ year unknown ]

Grass (people) mound, message : June 15th, 2008 ( Fathers Day ) 40th Chapter of Isaiah
( this is linked to a prophesy message I was given by a lady, we will call `SSG` )

Jacob's 2 Brides+jonah's Nineveh+2 Witnesses Of Rev, ~Parallel's ( June/July 2011 )


The weather forecast points toward, increased sunspots 90-140, which are atomic
level solar flares by 2011. ( We are under Sunspot 24, until that timeframe, per NASA )

And the Saros Eclipse of 2011, is not suggesting an end time cosmic event.

However, the changes in earth atmospheric weather is just another sign of the times.

This post has been edited by crownsevenalphabet: Today, 09:28 AM

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